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Gender Equality Resources

Roundtable for Women Working in Agriculture/Science


AIC held its third annual women’s roundtable discussion in Winnipeg on December 6, 2011 in partnership with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for the Prairies (NSERC-CWSE-Prairies), Dr. Annemieke Farenhorst. The meeting took place at the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre, University of Manitoba.

The objectives for the event were to:

  1. Explore views of professional women working in agricultural sciences from a broad cross-section of disciplines and professions.
  2. Strengthen a network of women in Manitoba working in professional agricultural sciences, particularly to assist our future generation in becoming successful professionals in agriculture.
  3. Report on the discussion actions already taken by the AIC and the NSERC-CWSE-Prairies to raise awareness about gender equality in agricultural sciences.
  4. Listen to women’s ideas on how to assist women in Manitoba working in professional agricultural sciences.

Read the full event report here.


The second annual women working in science roundtable discussion was held in Brandon, Manitoba on November 17, 2010. Women working professionally in agriculture/science/agri-resources in south-western Manitoba were invited to an evening of discussion for the purposes of:

  1. Exploring views of professional women working in agriculture/science from a broad cross-section of disciplines.
  2. Strengthening a network of women in south-western Manitoba working in professional agriculture/science.
  3. Reporting on the results of the discussion to raise awareness about gender equality in agriculture/science.
  4. Creating awareness about AIC.

Information gathered from the first and second Roundtable discussions contributes to the proposed research project.
