Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – September 2018 Issue
Here are the highlights of this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest! Click HERE for the full version.

Daylily [Hemerocallis]. Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.
Opportunities and Upcoming Events:
Agriculture Mentorship Program in Manitoba – Application deadlines – mentors: August 31, 2018; mentees: September 28, 2018
The Agriculture Mentorship Program began in the 2017-2018 academic year and is modelled after the success of its sister program, the CIPWIE Engineering Mentorship Program.
This program is the first of its kind in Manitoba, and carefully and specifically matches university student mentees to mentors with relevant expertise and compatible mentoring goals. The student-led initiative introduces students to the structure and environment of the professional world in a supportive community. Students have the opportunity to explore their career goals, network with women in the field and develop new skills with the guidance of their mentors.
Successful applicants will be matched in groups of 2 mentors to 1 student based on career goals, area of expertise, and other mutual interests. Preference will be given to students who are in the last two years of their program and have not previously participated in the program.
Documentary Women Bending the Curve on Climate Change in Vancouver – Join us for a public screening of the documentary Women Bending the Curve on Climate Change in Vancouver.
Set in the context of the Paris climate change agreements, the new film tells the stories of climate change leaders from Canada’s West Coast working in renewable energy, city government, energy conservation, community engagement, sustainable food, finance and indigenous land stewardship. Their inspiring stories explore how climate science, meaningful action and women’s collaborative leadership intersect to bend the curve on climate change. After the screening there will be a discussion with the filmmaker Dr. Joanna Ashworth and special guests.
Wed, 19 September 2018, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT at SFU Harbour Centre Campus Vancouver
Excellence and Gender Equity in Science and Technology (EGEST) Conference 2018 – Gender diversity drives innovation, bolsters research, and strengthens the science and technology workforce.
The Excellence and Gender Equity in Science and Technology (EGEST) conference will showcase the research of social science and humanities scholars working in partnership with industry leaders, educators, and outside experts to foster gender diversity in a wide range of sectors.
EGEST will feature keynote presentations by world-class scholars on cutting-edge research. These speakers include Katherine Phillips, Andrei Cimpian, Amanda Diekman, Corinne Moss-Racusin, and Carla Fehr. Panels will engage leaders in industry and education to discuss strategies for fostering diversity within their organizations. Participants will come away with new knowledge and partnerships to strengthen gender equity in science and technology.
EGEST will take place in Federation Hall at the University of Waterloo on September 20, 2018. Registration deadline extended to August 30, 2018.
Courage and Passion: Canadian Women in Natural Sciences – Until March 31, 2019. This exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa celebrates Canadian women who broke barriers to pursue their passion for science.
A Privy Council Office policy instituted in 1920 and maintained until 1955 prohibited married women from holding full-time federal government jobs, unless their husbands were unable to work. A copy of the marriage ban letter is now part of the exhibition, which profiles 20 Canadian women in natural sciences fields who either had to overcome gender barriers to succeed professionally — or had their careers derailed by those obstacles.
Every featured woman in the exhibition made remarkable, if under-recognized, contributions to their various fields, from botany, to physics, to palaeontology, between the 1600s and present day.
Another section offers museum-goers the chance to explore opportunities and challenges that exist today for women interested in a career in science, from games to interactive videos.
This Month’s News:
SWAN (Scientific Women’s Academic Network) Initiative – Canada’s greatest potential can only be realized when all people are welcomed into the lab, the classroom and the field. That is why the Government of Canada is taking action to improve equity, diversity and inclusion in the research community.
Recently the Government of Canada announced it would move forward with implementing a made in Canada Athena SWAN initiative.
The UK Athena SWAN (Scientific Women’s Academic Network) is an internationally recognized initiative that celebrates higher education institutions that have implemented practices to advance equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the sciences.
The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport, is currently consulting with post-secondary education institutions to discuss their views on how to adapt the Athena SWAN (Scientific Women’s Academic Network) initiative for a “made-in-Canada” approach.
The Athena SWAN program will be adapted to the context and realities of Canada, including changing the name and developing a Canadian version of the Charter. Specifically, the Charter will cover the Employment Equity Designated Groups and be relevant to all areas of research, and all post-secondary institutions.
The Government is in ongoing discussions with AdvanceHE to conclude agreements to allow the Government to adapt the Charter to the Canadian context.
Reports Publications and Resources:
Linking Women to Markets: A Closer Look at Women’s Market Readiness – This webinar explored different approaches of linking women to markets in the context of market systems and private sector development programming, and some of the examples and lessons coming out of the AWEF Jordan country program, the International Trade Centre’s SheTrades Platform, and ACDI/VOCA’s program supporting women in agribusiness. The discussion examined practical lessons of different approaches for promoting women’s access to markets, specifically examining the extent to which women require training, capacity building and safeguarding measures to reduce risks such as exploitation. Speakers showcased how different approaches can work effectively in diverse contexts, but also the implication for replication, sustainability, and scale.
This webinar is the second event in a two-year learning series: “In Practice: Women’s Economic Empowerment in Market Systems,” which will feature a thought-provoking sequence of webinars, e-discussions, and practitioner briefs, followed by an in-person learning event. The learning partnership is brought to you by the Arab Women’s Enterprise Fund (AWEF) together with DAI Europe, MarketShare Associates, the SEEP Network and UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).
Webinar Series on Gender and Nutrition in Livestock Systems – How can livestock researchers incorporate important gender and nutrition dimensions into their projects?
This three-part webinar series addresses the integration of gender and nutrition into the:
1. design
2. data collection and analysis, and
3. final reporting of livestock research projects.
Watch the series and learn how to integrate gender and nutrition into each stage of the project lifecycle.
Increasingly, the integration of gender and nutrition is a requirement for research for development projects, particularly if they are in developing countries, to increase the impact of such projects. Yet relatively few resources are available on how to integrate gender and nutrition into livestock projects across the entire project life cycle.
• Webinar 1: Integration of gender and nutrition into the design of livestock research projects
• Webinar 2: Integration of gender and nutrition into data collection and analysis of livestock research projects
• Webinar 3: Integration of gender and nutrition into final reporting of livestock research projects