Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – July 2019 Issue
Here are the highlights of this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest! Click HERE for the full version.

A cairn dedicated to the First (also Principal or Prime) Meridian at 97°27’28.41″ west, just west of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Grain seedlings in field in background. Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.
Opportunities and Upcoming Events:
Breaking systemic barriers to women’s participation in science – This call for research proposals aims to identify and address systemic barriers that stand in the way of greater participation by women and other underrepresented groups in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the public and private sectors in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Deadline is August 15, 2019 by 17:00 (EDT). Regions: Asia, Far East Asia, South Asia, South America, South of Sahara Central.
Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference – Eastern Canada – The AWC conference is being held October 27 – 29, 2019 in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
• Students studying Ag in a college or university may be eligible for sponsorship.
• Manitoba Farmers Eligible to Apply for Funding to Attend AWC.
• New Brunswick Farmers Eligible to Apply for Funding to Attend AWC.
• Newfoundland Labrador Farmers Eligible to Apply for Funding to Attend AWC.
This Month’s News:
Canada and partners announce new legacy investments to support women’s rights and gender equality at home & abroad – The Government of Canada is reshaping how it supports women’s rights organizations, domestically and internationally, to build a legacy for gender equality and rights.
Through the Department for Women and Gender Equality, the Government of Canada is entering into three innovative funding agreements with organizations that will match up to $30 million of federal funding into gender equality efforts. The new matching partnerships with Community Foundations of Canada, Canadian Women’s Foundation and Grand Challenges Canada, will provide funding to women’s organizations in Canada and will accelerate gender equality from coast to coast to coast.
Through Global Affairs Canada, the government is investing $300 million to bring the granting, philanthropic and investment worlds together into a single platform to mobilize unprecedented levels of resources for women’s rights organizations and movements in developing countries. Today, the Government of Canada is announcing its intention to work with the Equality Fund, selected through a competitive process, to establish this innovative platform.
Behind Vancouver’s massive and mysterious Women Deliver conference – Hardly anyone local was prepared when a New York-based organization named Women Deliver swept into Vancouver in early June to discuss gender equality with 8,000 political leaders, advocates, academics and journalists from 165 countries — and another 100,000 people globally participating online — and then swept out again.
The name “Women Deliver” hints at the organization’s original goal: to lead the way towards achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal No. 5, Improve Maternal Health. “In 2007 the maternal mortality rate was atrociously high,” says the Women Deliver website. “World leaders needed to step up, rally around the issue and commit to action. And, they needed a place to do it. To fill the void, the Women Deliver Conference was born.”
The Women Deliver conference delivered much more than 8,000 inspiring success stories — now available on the Women Deliver channel on YouTube, along with previous conferences. Under Director Katja Iversen, Women Deliver has grown exponentially, from distributing bright infographic cards and posters (which still engage millions of women in their own health care), to training community organizers in dozens of countries where they’re seriously needed. Although Women Deliver seemed to swoop in and out of Canada quickly, the information women shared about their current projects and programs will add momentum to similar projects globally.
Cynthia A. Grant, Renowned Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition Researcher Inducted into Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame – Fertilizer Canada is pleased to congratulate Dr. Cynthia A. Grant on her successful nomination and acceptance as an inductee of the 2019 Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. Dr. Grant is now part of an elite group of ten women who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame since 1960.
Cynthia Grant, along with JoAnne Buth, Marc Comtois, Louis Latimer, Laurent Pellerin and Robert Prestage will be officially inducted into the national Hall of Fame at a ceremony on Thursday, November 28, 2019 at the Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City, QC.
Reports Publications and Resources:
Panel: Looking at Innovation and Technology Through a Gender Lens – Over 8,000 people gathered at Women Deliver, the world’s largest conference on the health and well being of girls and women.
From the Women Deliver conference, this panel discusses the following: It’s important that engineers, designers and technologists are diverse/representative of many perspectives. Learn about how looking through a gender lens informs approaches to innovation and technology and reshapes the world. Organized by: Grand Challenges, MIT Solve, Skoll Foundation.
The full list of archived sessions is available at
Gender and climate change: Do female parliamentarians make a difference? – European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 56, January 2019, Pages 151-164
This paper investigates whether female political representation in national parliaments influences climate change policy outcomes. Based on data from a large sample of countries, we demonstrate that female representation leads countries to adopt more stringent climate change policies. We exploit a combination of full and partial identification approaches to suggest that this relationship is likely to be causal. Moreover, we show that through its effect on the stringency of climate change policies, the representation of females in parliament results in lower carbon dioxide emissions. Female political representation may be an underutilized tool for addressing climate change.
The Gender Equality in Research Scale: A tool for monitoring and encouraging progress on gender integration in research for and in development – This brief discusses a monitoring and learning tool – the Gender Equality in Research Scale (GEIRS) – designed to assess the level of gender integration across a CGIAR research portfolio and at different stages of the research and development cycle.